Thank you all for viewing and your continued support!
Monday, February 28, 2011
The single most aggervating thing in the world.

How many of you know what a Harpsichord is? No one? That because I'm pretty sure the U.N. had them all burned after they realized they had the choice to say, "The fuck is this?"
Ernyhow, if anyone is thinking about taking the Music 220 Class, or the Musical Appreciation classes down the classical road, be prepared for this particular instrument. It's like listening to an electrified lute. Its creation was more or less then a few monks sitting around going, "The piano is great, but lets make it deafeningly annoying."
For one hundred solid years during the early Renaissance and Medevil periods, Operatic composers and a few brave missionaries decided that using this instrument was sufficient torture for any brave soul willing to actually sit through whatever horrendously long composition they concocted to appease whatever higher power demands that their worshipers be deaf. There was one song in history the Harpsichord was cool in, and that was Star Rider by Foreigner, and lets be real for a second, Foreigner isn't exactly praised for that particular song.
At any rate, consider this your final warning before delving into the absolutely fascinating world of Gregorian Chant and other such nonsense. Do yourself a favor, take the jazz class instead.
Late Night

New late night snack idea for those of you college kids who are cheap, and like to stay up late. Wheat Thins and Peanut Butter are a great way to tide your hunger on those nights you just can't fall asleep or just need to stay up late because that one homework assignment is kicking your ass (Physic 253 and/or Calculus 2). This combination of Peanut Butter and salty goodness quench that hunger while leaving you with a satisfied stomach. Enjoy!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Faraday on Fri-uh-day
Friday. It's clearly the best day of the week. Sure, you may not have the whole day off like Saturday or Sunday, but you get the liberating feeling of saying 'FUCK IT! I'MMA RAGE!!!' right after class or work.
This Friday began like many, within the hazy confines of Huskie's Pizza in the wee hours of the morning. We couldn't resist...just look at that chicken and ranch slice! IT'S MASSIVE.
Fast forward to the actual morning. You know, the one usually filled with some life-changing epiphany that you'd rather sleep for the rest of your life instead of contributing to society with just a hint of shame and regret. That kind of morning.
Anyways, this morning was rather special because it was breakfast time. This was no ordinary breakfast time, this was the ULTIMATE MUNCH SESH (UMS). UMS occurs once every 75 years (like Haley's Comet or a Mark twain being born or dying). Here's a picture of the aftermath (minus me):
Yeah, it was good as fuck. You jelly? When I was in the middle of that last spoonful of cheerios, we noticed that were running late. Time GTFO and go to Faraday...
Jakies and I walked outside. It was surprisingly warm and sunny out. This was a nice change of pace from being Mother Nature's lap dog for the past 2 months. Seriously, Dekalb gets COLD AS FUCK.

It was about when we got to the fence that I realized I was chill AS FUCK.
The intersection was the same old, same old. People stand awkwardly smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, and stuff.
Here's about the point where we thought today would be a good day. And it would be...until we saw:
Oh no! The signature wind tunnel! After saying a prayer and taking a shot of bourbon, we pressed forward.
Here we came to the bridge. I have a fear of heights. Luckily, the bridge is only four feet off the ground...
...Unfortunately, that ground is nothing but a deep, watery grave!
Wha?! The parking lot? We're close!
Thar she blows!
We got to class on time =]
It was about when we got to the fence that I realized I was chill AS FUCK.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tim's First

I hope to be able to regail you all with amazing stories that both tickle your funny bone and pull on your heart strings at the same time. But until then...
Goodnight and Big Balls!
Self introduction

Name: Alex Petruzzi
Age: 18
Hometown: Bolingbrook
I am currently a Geology major and, unfortunately, an active member of the marching and pep bands, and spent every waking moment marching first semester, so I got a late start meeting all of you, so if I don't know you by now, you are not someone of consequence. I do love the DA2, I'm glad of all places to be my freshman year (and sophomore, up in that young triple), and I can't imagine a better group of people to be hanging with every god-damned waking hour.
I spend the most of my time existing, breathing, and I do a fair amount of blinking. I am one of the few people on the planet that actually ENJOYS reading, and one of the few music enthusiasts who can READ music!
But basically who I am is in stark contrast to the negative effect of the principle. Of course that may or may not matter to those who are indifferent to the way things may or may not be.
So, enjoy that!
Love, Alex
Dakota Foss presents: The Bad Ass' Almanac: BITCHES pt. 1
Bitches. We all know one. In fact, we (you) might be one ourselves (yourself). They can be a tricky and deceiving breed when approached the wrong way. Not for an alpha male. With my help, you too can can get bitches both in bed and out of your life in no time. Read on to figure out how to effectively identify and deal with the multiple types of bitches in your life.
Perhaps I'm getting a little ahead of myself . What exactly is a bitch you ask? Webster's Dictionary defines a bitch as a woman (typically who is sexually attractive) who won't have sex with you. A bitch could also be some chick who is annoying as fuck. Use your discretion. The only universal is that bitches be bitches.
Bitches, like Baskin Robin's Ice Cream, come somewhere in the ballpark of 31 flavors. They may be dumb, but they have learned through evolutionary means (ironic, considering they didn't learn how to grow a dick, freeing them from bitch shackles) to annoy THE LIVING FUCK out of us in multiple ways. A bitch wants nothing more than to fuck you over financially, emotionally, and, if you're lucky, in the sack. She would succeed too...if it weren't for awesome alpha males with huge dicks figuring out the tricks of their trade.
Here are several of the more common types of bitches that you may have to deal with:
Party bitches in their natural habitat: some guy's basement
Note: The general DGAF attitude and nearly exposed breasts
First up is the Party Bitch (PB). PB is one of the more common types of bitches and can be easily spotted in a frat house, that guy who's twenty-something but still hangs with high schoolers' house, or in a rape investigation.
Like normal human beings, PBs require food, sleep, oxygen, and other essentials. Curiously, though none would argue miraculously, they require another element in order to sustain their existence: alcohol. If PBs do not ingest several shots each night, they will die a horrible, painful death...or gain self-respect. Either fate would be too much for them to handle so they spend their days recounting (or attempting to) their misadventures and who will booze them up for free.
Note: The general DGAF attitude and nearly exposed breasts
First up is the Party Bitch (PB). PB is one of the more common types of bitches and can be easily spotted in a frat house, that guy who's twenty-something but still hangs with high schoolers' house, or in a rape investigation.
Like normal human beings, PBs require food, sleep, oxygen, and other essentials. Curiously, though none would argue miraculously, they require another element in order to sustain their existence: alcohol. If PBs do not ingest several shots each night, they will die a horrible, painful death...or gain self-respect. Either fate would be too much for them to handle so they spend their days recounting (or attempting to) their misadventures and who will booze them up for free.
PB's are usually pretty hot and will use there sexuality to try and seduce beta's into buying them alcohol and pumping tunes so they will not get tickets for noise complaints or lose precious dollars. She will go much farther in an attempt to steal your precious liquids (and I ain't talking about semen). She will wear provocative clothing, let you write your name on her, grind on your dick, and possibly give you a handy. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GIVE IN. It's all a ruse! PB's have no interest in you. In fact, PB's are usually lesbian and spend much of their tipsy time making out with each other. This is actually an evolutionary response to the shortage of alcohol. When they make out, they share the precious, life-giving fluids of Smirnoff or Captain so that they may be granted another day of existence. On the off hand that you do have sex with one, you will not only have an awesome story to tell your bros, you will also have chlamydia. Congratulations.
PB's may be tough to deal with, but they are not invincible. Bring up her father and watch her break down in front of you. Try to not let alcohol touch their lips, but occasionally it's unavoidable. When that is the case, immediately cut off any tuneage that is available. I don't care if it's the middle of the "na na na's" in All the Small Things, you GTFO immediately. Eventually, PB's will become weak with sobriety and melt into oblivion. It also wouldn't hurt to a have a box of either wine or your alcoholic piss from last weekend on hand to remove them from the situation temporarily. This might trigger their primal urges and cause them to become more aggressive in their search of alcohol once they get a taste, but hopefully the 10-30 seconds that it takes them to ingest the fluids will give you enough of a head start to run away.
WARNING: You can also roofy them, which appears to be the favorite among frats but this is frowned upon (in most cases) and illegal. Use a condom.
That's it for our inaugural edition of Bad Ass' Alamanac. Stay tuned for more installments to help you deal with bitches and how to become an alpha in all walks of life. Peace, bro
PB's may be tough to deal with, but they are not invincible. Bring up her father and watch her break down in front of you. Try to not let alcohol touch their lips, but occasionally it's unavoidable. When that is the case, immediately cut off any tuneage that is available. I don't care if it's the middle of the "na na na's" in All the Small Things, you GTFO immediately. Eventually, PB's will become weak with sobriety and melt into oblivion. It also wouldn't hurt to a have a box of either wine or your alcoholic piss from last weekend on hand to remove them from the situation temporarily. This might trigger their primal urges and cause them to become more aggressive in their search of alcohol once they get a taste, but hopefully the 10-30 seconds that it takes them to ingest the fluids will give you enough of a head start to run away.
WARNING: You can also roofy them, which appears to be the favorite among frats but this is frowned upon (in most cases) and illegal. Use a condom.
That's it for our inaugural edition of Bad Ass' Alamanac. Stay tuned for more installments to help you deal with bitches and how to become an alpha in all walks of life. Peace, bro
Top 10 Rules of College Vists (DA2 Style)
Yeaaa Bwah

O Lets Do It (Heroes Villains Remix) by JakeMeyer
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Some DA2 Videos
Over time i have managed to capture a few good DA2 moments on video. You can see them on my Youtube channel.
Some movies I've done
An award winning thriller with chilling political undertones
An interesting take into the world of eighteenth birthdays
An award winning thriller with chilling political undertones
An interesting take into the world of eighteenth birthdays
My name is Chelsea Simkins! I am from Knoxville, Illinois and am currently living in Dekalb! I attend NIU and it is simply the best! I am pretty much the nicest girl you will ever meet. Seriously, I am.
I love knock-knock jokes and apple pies from Mcdonald's. I also am like, the biggest fucking Lady Gaga fan ever. Not only do I love her, but I WANT to be her, nay, I NEED TO BE HER. Sometimes I blast "Bad Romance" and "Poker Face" at the same time and scream at the mirror because I am not her. But I love life!
I sing in my church's choir: The People's Temple. And no, we are not a cult. While I do have a pretty regular habit of masturbating, I try not to as much as possible on account of it is a sin. We are only allowed to do that sort of thing in front of our Church Elders.
I also love taking naps and my two dogs!
But that's pretty much me! I hope you enjoy my blawg, lol.
I love knock-knock jokes and apple pies from Mcdonald's. I also am like, the biggest fucking Lady Gaga fan ever. Not only do I love her, but I WANT to be her, nay, I NEED TO BE HER. Sometimes I blast "Bad Romance" and "Poker Face" at the same time and scream at the mirror because I am not her. But I love life!
I sing in my church's choir: The People's Temple. And no, we are not a cult. While I do have a pretty regular habit of masturbating, I try not to as much as possible on account of it is a sin. We are only allowed to do that sort of thing in front of our Church Elders.
I also love taking naps and my two dogs!
But that's pretty much me! I hope you enjoy my blawg, lol.
This is going to be interesting....
Well my name is Emily. Uh, this seems like it is going to be and interesting blog. I live on DA2 and its pretty sweet. I am going to miss everyone next year :(. But the rest of this year will be amazing!
An Introduction by Luis G.

My name is Luis G. and I do not live on the second floor of the A Wing in the Douglas Building. The whimsical and lovely DA2 is located in the middle of the secluded, wonderful cornfields on the Northern Illinois University campus. While I may not live on the DA2, I spend a significant amount of time there. I actually live in the Grant dormitories. Sometimes, it is known as Ghetto Grant, due to its somewhat shoddy appearance and the majority of people who live in Grant happen to be African American. But really, what is so wrong with a darker skin tone? Just because you may have killed someone in the past, dealt rocks of crack cah-caine before, or have a bastard child you may not know exists somewhere, does not mean anything and should not mean that others should look down on you. I happen to be Mexican.
Yes, my parents were born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas so I have the un-drinkable waters of the proud nation that is Mexico coursing through my veins. On paper and legally though, I am also an American. Yes, I have dual citizenships in the United States and in Mexico. I am the defining image of a Mexican American.
Why am I telling you all this? Why not? You are the one reading this. By the time you reach the end of this, I will have successfully wasted several seconds of your life (or minutes if you are mentally deficient). You just sucked my dick dude. But do not fret! This is what the Internet is for. Yes, the Internet is for sucking other people's dicks. Well, blogging is anyway. So please indulge me and keep sucking my dick by reading my shit!
On another note, let's be friends!
And check out my movies and music!
By the way, I'm the one on the left in the picture. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!
The Queen of Pointless Stories
I guess this is my intro to the blog. I'm Caitlin. I go to NIU. I am a meteorology major and i love tornadoes. I am one of 5 black people on the floor which makes me super awesome. I play the violin. Miley Cyrus is my role model and I am gonna meet her one day.
All the editors are hot, all the journalists are wet and the boys are jerking off in private on the internet

Name: Dakota West Foss
Age: 19
Sign: Libra
About Me: Hey guys, I'm Dakota West Foss. Those who know me best call me Cody and know that asking which Dakota I am is totally passe' (seriously, DON'T FUCKING DO IT). My interests? Hard to say. Things kind of fluctuate week to week or even day to day. I know it's pretty stereotypical to say that you love music, but I really do. I'm painfully addicted to the stuff. I also like writing from time to time, usually about music. Currently, I'm a freshmen at Northern Illinois University and don't really know what I want to do but am leaning towards teaching English. Other than that, I don't really know what to say. Hope this blog stays kickin' for a long time because being in the DA2 Crew is quite the adventure.

Age: 19
About Me: Hello, and welcome to the blog of the DA2. I'm Jake. I am a current student at Northern Illinois and studying Industrial Engineering. I am a runner, but not as much as I hope to be. I plan on running avidly sooner or later. This is my first compilation blog, with the rest of my floor mates. One day, I plan on starting a solo blog.
Tryouts (Brenton Duvall Remix with Childish Gambino) by JakeMeyer
Tryouts (Brenton Duvall Remix with Childish Gambino) by JakeMeyer
The Creator
Name: Drew Price
Age: 18
Sign: Gemini
About Me: I was peer pressured into writing more than i'm awesome for my bio. I'm currently a freshman at Northern Illinois University living in Douglas A 2nd floor (Hence DA2). This floor is pretty ridiculous and this is why i created this blog.
Figure - The Werewolf (Dubstep Mix) FREE DOWNLOAD ON FEB 28TH by Figure
Age: 18
Sign: Gemini
About Me: I was peer pressured into writing more than i'm awesome for my bio. I'm currently a freshman at Northern Illinois University living in Douglas A 2nd floor (Hence DA2). This floor is pretty ridiculous and this is why i created this blog.
Figure - The Werewolf (Dubstep Mix) FREE DOWNLOAD ON FEB 28TH by Figure
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