How many of you know what a Harpsichord is? No one? That because I'm pretty sure the U.N. had them all burned after they realized they had the choice to say, "The fuck is this?"
Ernyhow, if anyone is thinking about taking the Music 220 Class, or the Musical Appreciation classes down the classical road, be prepared for this particular instrument. It's like listening to an electrified lute. Its creation was more or less then a few monks sitting around going, "The piano is great, but lets make it deafeningly annoying."
For one hundred solid years during the early Renaissance and Medevil periods, Operatic composers and a few brave missionaries decided that using this instrument was sufficient torture for any brave soul willing to actually sit through whatever horrendously long composition they concocted to appease whatever higher power demands that their worshipers be deaf. There was one song in history the Harpsichord was cool in, and that was Star Rider by Foreigner, and lets be real for a second, Foreigner isn't exactly praised for that particular song.
At any rate, consider this your final warning before delving into the absolutely fascinating world of Gregorian Chant and other such nonsense. Do yourself a favor, take the jazz class instead.
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