My name is Luis G. and I do not live on the second floor of the A Wing in the Douglas Building. The whimsical and lovely DA2 is located in the middle of the secluded, wonderful cornfields on the Northern Illinois University campus. While I may not live on the DA2, I spend a significant amount of time there. I actually live in the Grant dormitories. Sometimes, it is known as Ghetto Grant, due to its somewhat shoddy appearance and the majority of people who live in Grant happen to be African American. But really, what is so wrong with a darker skin tone? Just because you may have killed someone in the past, dealt rocks of crack cah-caine before, or have a bastard child you may not know exists somewhere, does not mean anything and should not mean that others should look down on you. I happen to be Mexican.
Yes, my parents were born in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas so I have the un-drinkable waters of the proud nation that is Mexico coursing through my veins. On paper and legally though, I am also an American. Yes, I have dual citizenships in the United States and in Mexico. I am the defining image of a Mexican American.
Why am I telling you all this? Why not? You are the one reading this. By the time you reach the end of this, I will have successfully wasted several seconds of your life (or minutes if you are mentally deficient). You just sucked my dick dude. But do not fret! This is what the Internet is for. Yes, the Internet is for sucking other people's dicks. Well, blogging is anyway. So please indulge me and keep sucking my dick by reading my shit!
On another note, let's be friends!
And check out my movies and music!
By the way, I'm the one on the left in the picture. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!